One student from Jogakuin took part in the Stanford University Scholars Program for Japanese high school students. The student participated in 10-12 virtual classes via the Internet from May through September. Part of the project includes, the student making a presentation about some aspect of her study to fellow students. The pictures below are of the presentation.
The class focused on the relationship between the United States and Japan. Some of the lecture topics included World War II, Major League Baseball and the importance of US and Japan relations. The entire program was in ENGLISH. This program is very difficult but very rewarding. We hope more students will join this course in the future.
スタンフォード大学・日本高校生プログラム「Stanford e-Japan」はStanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) が主催する通信教育プログラムです。Stanford e-Japan は日本の優秀な学生に、アメリカの社会と文化を集中的に学んでもらいます。また、授業は日米関係の重要性を強調していきます。全米のあらゆる優秀な教授や、学者、専門家がライブ・ディスカッションや「バーチャルクラス」を通してウェブベースの講義を提供します。*講義は全て英語で行われます。